Sunday, March 11, 2007

Soaring Love

我和你 相恋相惜… 左右为难 终相隔 段曲折的分离

我和你 向左向右… 相映相依 终相遇一段缘分的撮合

"a couple looking for love, being near each other, yet the heart no longer stays, and the heart eventually strays away..

a couple dreams for the ideal love, often crossing each other's path but never met, till one day... "

Quoting from partner....

'Doing this Xiaoyun’s piece was like working with Wong Kar Wai, a well known director famous for directing his movies without a physical script. Similarly, me and my partner would sometimes be given a “feel” to achieve and we’d go scurrying around asking for suggestions on what can be done. This item highlighted the importance of partnership between two dancers and the importance of designing an item to the capabilities of the dancers involved. Not only would the dancers be more comfortable dancing the piece, the dance would also be executed more completely.'

Soaring Love / 恋曲

Choreography: Lim Xiao Yun

Dancers: Fen, Qing Jing, Zheng Jie, Myself


If video can't be played, this the link for it: