Wednesday, December 19, 2007

for more details on my 23rd Birthday Dinner:

Photos are at:

I enjoyed my Birthday and those tears were happy tears.
small company of closer friends is definitely preferred over a big group which i cannot connect to individually. Thanks to those who sent their well wishes...
and of cos to the privileged few whom I spent my Birthday with...

Love you 'll Sophia, Elvin Chan, XiaoYun, Yeelian, Ah Fen and NZJ!!!!

Birthday Presents Unveiled

i'm tickled the first time i watched myself but after a while feels weird to hear my own voice and watching my own actions.
I Dont remember half of the things that I've said. bahh..the influence of alcohol =p

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thank you You ah , friend.
My first christmas party and had my first bday song heard in 2007.
took place last saturday 15 Dec at Sharon's home =) thanks for hosting, darling.

Thank you lovely for all the goodies and excitement you brought to the party ~~

*LOVE* all

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

'the Fellowship of the Touches'

Have you gotten your touch yet?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

海闊天空 Beyond Concert 1996 KTV

in rememberance of the main vocalist ~~家驹~~

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's the time of the year again!
if I had a choice of Birthday or Christmas Present or 2 into 1,

I'l like to have...
(not in order of preference)

1) In-Ear Phones.
I really think this will make the whole ipod touch package thingy more complete, i'd get this anws but not yet. $69 for the basic ones from Apple shop.

2) Nike Watch (Leather Strapped).
Yes the one i wore did not belong to me but it felt so good on me. i want to get it for myself $120 after discount. sigh.

3) Air ticket to HK or Japan.
Ok i think this is q impossible. HK so that i can at the same time go job hunting. someone please provide me w the kick-start to my career in HK.haha. Japan... hmmm becos i know i'll be hosted there? 想起来就有some sort of mixed feelings. sigh. $300~$800

4) International Buffet at Rendezvous Hotel
been drooling over their buffet for months. havnt got the right mood/ appetite to try it. my girls should know.

5) all of the above

Can't tink of anymore material goods i want at the moment.
of Cos i'd hope to be happy and a clearer picture of wat i want in life.
yes new year resolutions. need to work that out.

very simple right?

Saturday, December 8, 2007


(ji mo kai zai xin shi pang)
(sui shuo zhong yi xie shang gan)
(bu rang xing xing lai gui tan)
(zhao ge chen mo de ye wan)

(zhao ge chen mo de ye wan)
(bu rang xing xing lai gui tan)
(sui shuo zhong yi xie shang gan)
(ji mo kai zai xin shi pang)

(wo de guan huai fang shi shi ni wo fa ca jue de bei liang)
(zhi neng zai ni bu jing yi shi cai suo shang wo xin fang)
你往常的亲切友善 是我今生的遗憾
(ni wang chang de qin qie you shan shi wo jin sheng de yi han)
(shou shang hou wu hui de mai zai bu liu lu de lian shang)

Thursday, December 6, 2007


found this in my bag this morning on my way to work