Friday, October 19, 2007

back to KE7

returned to KE7 for ICN ytd,

so while we were up in the dining hall trying to 'kope' dinner,

mich said .. aiya still early our items wouldnt start on time,

Master's prolly still having his Speech

so u can roughly guess wat happened..

we were happily chatting while the first dance Item

which is hip hop and jazz was performed

baaah sian.

met SE there after, 3weeks?! and Yiehui after X weeks???

so nice too see everyone again in the same hall... and this time we dont have to be busy preparing for performance!

got my itchy fingers working when i saw the make up kits. hehe

hope u like ur eye make-up, Michelle :P

I enjoyed Fen's item.. goosebump-effects were there

very theartrical piece with a lot of emotions and the stage somehow seem too cramped to frame up the whole 'picture'

could be better executed if there were more practices betwn the two leads :P
unsure steps, uncoordinated body lines and angle of sight, i could see them all :P haha

overall, i liked the leads' individual choreography and emotions w added acting. could have created more sparks when they FINALLY MET.

well done Michelle, it's always enjoyable to watch you dance! i hope i can have ur good techniques! way to go, me. :P and of cos ah Fen, who doesnt fail to sparkle on stage, even with the LS-y condition last nite. ahem! hahahaha

Will be a great piece for DU08.

KE7 wushu did well again this time around. , the better ones did unexpectedly better. the fighting parts were exciting! esp Yenling, Sharonlynn, Irene and YeDan.. very 帅 and the 眼神 showed a lot of 杀伤力 . I was telling Song en that the guys should work harder cos the girls are more 帅 than the guys lo.. :P